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从2001年 12月 11 日中国正式加入世界贸易组织到2011 年,是中国汽车产业高速发展的“黄金十年”,创造了世界汽车发展史上的奇迹,中国一举成为世界最大的汽车生产国和新车销售国。

网易汽车综合1月21日报道 贸促会汽车行业分会会长王侠在2013全球汽车精英论坛做主题演讲。


1. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Automotive Committee


China Council for the Promotion of International Trade is the largest nongovernmental trade promotion organization in China. Since its inception in June, 1988, CCPIT Automotive Committee has been committed to the promotion of foreign trade and economic cooperation, technological exchange and introduction of advanced foreign technologies for the Chinese auto industry over the past 20 years and more. It also serves as a bridge for the Chinese auto industry and enterprises to contact and cooperate with their counterparts worldwide.


By maintaining the platform strategy, CCPIT Automotive Committee has organized the world largest cluster of auto show as the platform for product display, which consists of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou auto shows with a total exhibition area of 700,000 m² and over 2 million visitors. The Global Automotive Forum, which was founded 3 years ago as a channel for exchanging industry related ideas, has grown into the most prominent top-level event in the Chinese auto sector. The committee also co-established Tsinghua Institute for Automotive Technology with Tsinghua University as an incubator for the advancement of Chinese auto technology. It will pursue the fundamental principle of promoting China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation and act as a bridge and bond for the internationalization of the Chinese auto industry.


2. The present situation of the development of the Chinese auto industry

2001年 12月 11 日中国正式加入世界贸易组织到2011 年,是中国汽车产业高速发展的“黄金十年”,创造了世界汽车发展史上的奇迹,中国一举成为世界最大的汽车生产国和新车销售国。

From December 11th, 2001 when China officially joined the WTO to 2011, the Chinese automotive industry had experienced a decade-long explosive development. During this golden age, China rose as the world’s largest automaker and new vehicle seller thus created a miracle in the history of the global auto industry.

加入WTO 以来中国汽车工业快速发展,已形成完整的产业体系,在拉动国民经济增长、增加就业及拉动内需等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。2010~2011 年,中国汽车产销规模连续两年超过 1 800万辆,产销量继续维持世界首位。预计未来较长一段时期,中国都将保持汽车产销大国地位。2011 年,中国汽车行业规模以上企业实现工业总产值4.99万亿人民币,同比增长 16.8%,累计完成销售产值4.92万亿元人民币,同比增长 16.7%,均高于宏观经济增长速度,巩固了其在国民经济中支柱产业的地位。与此同时,汽车产品结构调整取得进展。在私人消费的带动下,乘用车所占比例提升至2011 年的78.2%。主要汽车企业集团的产销规模不断扩大,2012年1-11月,汽车销量排名前十位的生产企业依次为:上汽、东风一汽、长安、北汽、广汽、华晨、长城、奇瑞和江淮,分别销售411.31万辆、280.25万辆、241.39万辆、176.25万辆、152.17万辆、63.93万辆、57.31万辆、55.70万辆、50.42万辆和44.41万辆。1-11月,上述十家企业共销售1533.14万辆,占汽车销售总量的87.64%,前 3家集团生产集中度超过50%。

Since China’s entry into the WTO, its automotive industry has undergone fast development, represented by a well-developed industrial system which plays an increasingly important role in boosting national economy, employment and domestic demand. Between 2010 and 2011, annual production and sales combined exceeded 18 million in two consecutive years, remaining as the world’s top producer and seller. It is also anticipated that China will still hold that position for a long time in the future. In 2011 alone, the gross industrial and sales output value generated by large-scale Chinese automakers came to ¥4.99 trillion and ¥4.92 trillion respectively, representing a year-on-year growth of 16.8% and 16.7%. Both growth rates were higher than that of the national economy and cemented the role of this industry in the national economy as a pillar industry. Meanwhile, the restructuring of product mix made great progress, as the percentage of passenger vehicles rose to 78.2% in 2011 driven by the booming private consumption. Production and sales of major automotive groups kept expanding. Statistics showed that from January to November 2012, the top 10 Chinese automakers in terms of sales volume were SAIC, Dongfeng, FAW, Chang’an, BAIC, GAIG, Brilliance, Great Wall, Chery and JAC, which sold 4.1131 million, 2.8025 million, 2.4139 million, 1.7625 million, 1.5217 million, 639.3 thousand, 573.1 thousand, 557 thousand, 504.2 thousand and 444.1 thousand vehicles respectively. In the same period, sales volume of these automakers totaled 15.3314 million vehicles, representing 87.64% of the national total. The top three automakers alone, i.e. SAIC, Dongfeng and FAW, totaled over 50% of the total production volume in China.


Due to the joint effort of the government and the automotive industry, the domestic automotive service system has experienced a major enhancement in competitiveness. A modernized automobile service system is taking shape. Meanwhile, adopted by the domestic dealers as the mainstream model, brand marketing has played a major role in improving corporate and product image, sales volume and protecting consumer benefit.

“入世”十年以来,国内汽车市场快速增长导致汽车保有量迅速增加,已由 2001 年的 1 802万辆增长至2011 年的9350万辆,千人汽车保有量也由 14辆提高至69辆。2010年国内百户家庭拥有量超过 13.7辆,是2002年的5.3倍,北京、天津、浙江的百户家庭汽车拥有量分别达到46.5辆、27.1辆和20.8辆,广东、河北、山东等省市的百户家庭拥有量也即将达到20辆。中国已进入汽车社会。汽车普及推动了城市发展及城乡一体化、改变了人们的生活方式、提高了效率。

The rapid growth of the domestic automotive market since China’s entry into the WTO a decade ago has been so great that private vehicle population is also soaring. The number increased from 18.02 million in 2001 to 93.5 million in 2011, and the number of private vehicles owned by per thousand people also increased from 14 to 69. In 2010, the number of vehicles owned by per hundred Chinese households exceeded 13.7, equal to 5.3 times the number in 2002. The number of vehicles owned by per hundred households in Beijing, Tianjin and Zhejiang reached 46.5, 27.1 and 20.8 respectively, and the number of vehicles owned by per hundred households in Guangdong, Hebei and Shandong are expected to reach 20. All these statistics point to the fact that China has entered an automotive society and that the popularization of automobiles are propelling urban development and the integration between urban & rural areas, transforming our lifestyle and improving efficiency.


3. The present situation of the Chinese automotive export

“入世”以后,中国汽车出口开始加速,2003 年4.3 万辆,2005 年17.3万辆,首次超过进口量。2011年,中国汽车整车出口创国际金融危机以来最高增幅,出口总量同比增长49.99%,达到85万辆,出口总额同比增长约56.82%,超过100亿美元,相比2001年增长了53.33倍,持续10年以平均增长近50%的增速书写中国汽车出口发展的未来。2012年1-11月,汽车出口已经达到93万辆,整车54万辆,全年完成出口100万辆已成定局,实现20%以上的增长。2012年1-11月,中国汽车零件、附件共出口305亿美元,比去年同期增加13%, 其中最大的目的地国家是美国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯和德国,出口额分别是88亿、46亿、21亿、11亿、11亿。

China’s automotive export began accelerating after the entry into the WTO. In 2003, 43,000 vehicles were exported; and in 2005, the number rose to 173,000, the first time that automobile export volume exceeded that of the import. Whole vehicle export volume reached the peak in 2011 since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, totaling 850,000 vehicles with a 49.99% year-on-year increase. In 2011, export volume exceeded $10 billion, up by 56.82%, and was 53.33 times the figure in 2001. An annual average growth rate of nearly 50% in 10 consecutive years has written a brilliant future for the development of China’s automotive export. From January to November 2012, export reached 930,000 vehicles, including 540,000 whole vehicles. The annual export target of 1 million vehicles is now a settled fact, coupled with a year-on-year growth rate of  over 20%. In the same period, export sales in parts and accessories totaled $30.5 billion, up by 13%. The biggest export destinations were the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Russia and Germany, contributing $8.8 billion, $4.6 billion, $2.1 billion, $1.1 billion and $1.1 billion respectively in China’s export volume.


To sum up, China’s automotive export sector has primarily the following characteristics: 1) Export volume, export value and proportion of export all hit record highs with the steep rise in export growth. The proportion of export in the national economy rose to 5% in 2012 for the first time, 1% higher than that in 2011. 2) The export structure is also improving, with the optimization in vehicle model, market layout and exporter diversity. The export of sedan is the fastest-growing sector with a 25% annual growth. The export market has expanded to 190 countries and regions in the world. Meanwhile, export to the traditional market develops in a steady manner. Most of the exporters are still private automakers with self-owned brands. 3) Export quality is improving, export price and brand awareness are increasing, sales networks are expanding and trade models are diversifying. An increasing number of Chinese automakers are investing in overseas assembly plants. Also, export models are further improving, represented by a rise in the export of complete sets of parts and components.


Still, an annual export of barely one million vehicles is a sharp contrast to a sales volume of nearly 20 million at home, as far as our place as the world’s No.1 producer and seller is concerned. Our export is greatly eclipsed when compared with that of developed countries, e.g. Japan (annual export: over 6 million). In the meantime, there are many problems and deficiencies with our automotive export sector, including but not limited to the following:


(1) Concentration of export on primarily low-end markets in developing countries. This problem is attributable to very few innovation and hi-tech elements and insurmountable emissions, safety and technological barriers set by developed countries. Quality inconsistency is another obstacle to maintaining a strong foothold in the markets of developing countries.


(2) Failure to evoke strong brand awareness in the export market. Most Chinese auto brands depend solely on a low price, low profit and low quality strategy for competition. They have only underdeveloped after-sales service networks overseas, which in turn become adverse to the creation of a good brand image and are liable to aggravating the dependence on low-end markets.


(3) Loosely associated exporter federations. There are too many exporters, which vary widely in financial and technological strength. The occasional unregulated competition among Chinese automakers in the international market often leads to chaos.


(4) A complicated international trade context which challenges the limited capabilities of the Chinese automotive industry as a whole. Formidable technological barriers set by developed countries have wreaked havoc on our export. Some developing countries, including Brazil, are also issuing new import duty policies targeted evidently at Chinese automotive products, since massive Chinese imports impact heavily on the local automakers in the short term. These policies lead to price hikes and less competitiveness of Chinese exports on local markets. Besides, tremendous restriction on sustained export growth also comes from a climbing RMB rate and aggravating trade frictions arising from anti-dumping, countervailing measures and investigation on special safeguard measures targeted at Chinese automotive products.


4. Broad prospect for a win-win Sino-US cooperation


The Sino-US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world today, as China is the world largest developing country and U.S. the largest developed one. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1979, the bilateral economic and trade relations have grown rapidly. With expanding exchange and enriching cooperation, China and U.S. are becoming more and more interdependent with each other.


In 2012, bilateral trade relations have maintained a momentum of steady growth with bilateral trade volume approaching a record high of $500 billion this year. U.S. is China’s largest export market now. High-level meetings and economic and trade dialogues have laid a good foundation for bilateral cooperation in this front. The fourth round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the 23rd China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) had been held in May and December respectively through which both sides had extensive discussions over issues of major concerns and reached multiple consensuses. These achievements have greatly strengthened the confidence of Chinese and American business circles in closer cooperation for the development of bilateral economic and trade relations.

据中国海关统计, 2012年1-11月,中美贸易额达到4386亿美元,同比上升8.2%。其中,中国自美进口1192亿美元,同比上升8.1%;出口3194亿美元,同比上升8.2%。中方顺差2003亿美元,同比上升8.3%。美国仍然是中国外资最大的来源地之一。2012 年 1-11月,中国新批设立美资企业1180家,同比下降8.9% ;实际使用外资金额24亿美元,同比增长 11.6%。截至 2012 年11 月底,美对华实际投资达到700亿美元。同时,中国对美投资继续呈增长趋势,前11个月在美非金融类直接投资11亿美元。截至2012年11月底,中国企业在美累计非金融类投资86亿美元,投资范围广泛,涉及诸多领域。到目前为止,中国汽车行业共有115家企业到美国投资,投资金额已超过3亿美元。

According to the statistics from China Customs, from Jan. to Nov. 2012, the trade volume between China and U.S. hit $438.6 billion, up by 8.2%, in which China’s import from U.S. totaled $119.2 billion, up by 8.1% and China’s export to U.S. grew to $319.4 billion, up by 8.2%. China’s export trade surplus reached $200.3 billion, up by 8.3%. U.S. remains as one of China’s largest sources of foreign investment. During the same period, China had newly approved 1180 US-funded enterprises, down by 8.9%. Actually utilized foreign investment was worth $2.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 11.6%. By the end of Nov. 2012, the actual investment in China from U.S. amounted to $70 billion. Meanwhile, China’s investment in U.S. continued to grow with non-financial direct investment reaching $1.1 billion in the first eleven months in 2012. Also by the end of Nov. 2012, the non-financial investment in U.S. by the Chinese enterprises accumulated to $8.6 billion in various areas. Up to now, there are 115 enterprises from the Chinese auto industry investing in U.S. with a total value of over $300 million.


In 2012, U.S. experienced a slow economic recovery and the presidential election. In such context, its economic and trade frictions and conflicts with China was on a rise. U.S. filed complaints to the World Trade Organization (WTO) against China over its anti-dumping and countervailing duties on US-made autos and unfair subsidies for China's auto and auto parts industries. As history and practices have proven, trade protectionism may impede the global economic recovery. Cooperation remains the theme of Sino-US relations and the very nature of bilateral economic and trade ties is to achieve mutual benefit and a win-win result. We firmly believe that people of vision from both countries are sure to observe the bilateral ties from a long-term and strategic view and fight against trade protectionism in a bid to promote the steady growth of China-US relations.


5. The current policy environment for the development of the Chinese auto industry


1) To stick to the strategy of expanding domestic demand by encouraging automobile consumption while offering guidance to the economical use of vehicles. To support the growth of rural automobile market and continue to improve the auto consumption environment. Economic means should play a leading role in encouraging private auto consumption and the economical use of vehicles while supported by administrative ones.


2) To achieve mutual support between the auto and its related industries by developing the auto industry and the new energy auto industry in particular.


3) To incorporate the transportation strategy and transport planning into urban planning and coordinate the development between urban area and urban transportation.


4) To implement the strategy of energy saving and emission reduction set by the State Council and enhance the management system of energy saving of vehicles.


5) To adopt comprehensive measures to improve the capacity for environmental protection and reduce the pollution caused by vehicle exhaust.


6) To foster a good auto culture for a coordinated development among people, vehicles and the society. An auto society should also put people first and create rational code of conduct and a good auto culture.


At present, China is in the acceleration period of industrialization and urbanization. The explosive power of market demand is looming larger, bringing new development opportunities for foreign-funded enterprises. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, China will shift its priority on utilizing foreign investment from introducing foreign capital to advanced technology, managerial experience, the right talent and international brands as well was transform the economic development mode and restruct the economy. Huge demand for investment and consumption will be released during this process. According some economists’ analysis, China’s import volume is likely to exceed $10 billion in the next five years. It will provide rare opportunities for foreign enterprises including those from U.S. to do business and invest in China. We welcome more visionary people from the American business circle to invest in China. And we look forward to promoting the advancement in the auto sector through enhanced exchange and pragmatic cooperation between the two sides.



奔驰C级 (合资)

  • 厂商指导价(万):32.52~37.22万
  • 级别: 中型车
  • 上市时间:2008年
  • 在产车型:5款
  • 排量(L):1.5 AT
  • 油耗(L):6.1~6.6(官方)

问界M7 (国产)

  • 厂商指导价(万):28.98~37.98万
  • 级别: SUV
  • 上市时间:2022年7月4日
  • 在产车型:3款
  • 排量(L):1.5
  • 油耗(L):1.05~1.09(官方)

锋兰达 (合资)

  • 厂商指导价(万):12.58~16.98万
  • 级别: MPV
  • 上市时间:2022年1月6日
  • 在产车型:6款
  • 排量(L):2.0 CVT
  • 油耗(L):--


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